Rarity Bay is Professionally Managed by:

If you have any questions or would like more information about our association, please contact us directly.

For operations, construction, sewer, design review, or variance questions please contact the CAI Manager at:

RJ Gudger (423) 884-1990  Robert.Gudger@RarityBayCAI.com

For billing and finance questions, please contact the Financial/Office Manager at:

Pam White (423) 884-1996  Pam@RarityBayCAI.com 


For roads, greenways, maps and other infrastructure questions, please contact the Operations Director at: 

Ronnie Sharp (423) 884-3918  Ronnie.Sharp@RarityBayCAI.com

For new owner information and other office information or administrative questions, please contact the Administrative Assistant at: 

Laurie Lockett (423) 884-1992 Laurie@RarityBayCAI.com

For Guest and Vendor/Contractor Access, please contact the gatehouse at:

Gatehouse (423) 884-3011    

Main Office

150 Rarity Bay Parkway
Vonore, TN 37885
Telephone: (423) 884-3800
Fax: (432) 884-6210